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A non-profit corporation is a corporation in which no part of the income is distributable to its members, directors, or officers. To create a non-profit corporation, an entity simply files a Certificate of Formation with the Texas Secretary of State along with the appropriate filing fee (currently $25). A non-profit corporation may be created for…

As a general rule, a creditor may repossess personal property without filing a lawsuit or obtaining a court order authoring the repossession attempt if the property can be repossessed without the use of force, and a disturbance or violence is not reasonably likely. Texas Business & Commerce Code §9.609[1] allows a creditor to use “self-help”…

As the New Year begins, many couples will turn to divorce attorneys as a source of starting fresh. It is a sad truth of my life. I’m rarely called when things are going well. That’s why my New Year’s Resolution this year is to spend more time talking about options like counseling, open marriages, and…

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Content by Own Your Voice


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